9) Viking Commando -- I actually have a screenplay/comic book story for this one.
8) Dial "H" for Hero -- The merchandising on the action figures and other toys alone would be worth this film being greenlit.
7) The Metal Men -- I think a buddy of mine (Bill) suggested this during a past conversation we had. I believe he was thinking it'd be a great cartoon. I have to agree with him, but it'd also make a great kids movie!
6) Captian Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew -- Again, *great* kid movie matierial.
5) Night Nurse -- Don't laugh. This is a suspense/thriller just waiting to happen.
4) Mister Miracle / Forever People / New Gods Trilogy -- Screw you guys. I wanna see it!
3) Warlord -- Swords, sorcery, dinosaurs, robot horses and laser blasters; all in the center of the Earth no less! Tell me *this* won't confuse the hell out of the general public. :)
2) Maus -- make it the first R rated CGI film. It's Schindler's List meets Tom & Jerry! Seriously though, this could be *very* good if done correctly.
1) Watchmen -- I know. I know. Paramount is *supposed* to be making it. But it may never see the light of day. If it's done well, it could be phenomenal. If it isn't, it could be another League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ((shudder))
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