Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Shining: Redux

Here at DAO, I always try to acknowledge genius and creative moves in entertainment. This is one of those stories.

A few weeks ago, 25 year old film editor's assistant, Robert Ryang, working in Manhattan, entered a contest sponsored by the New York chapter of the Association of Independent Creative Editors. The contest? To take a movie... any movie and cut a new trailer (preview) for it BUT (and here's the catch) present it in a completely different genre. The only modifications that were allowed were sound and dialog.

Robert chose Stanley Kubrick's The Shining and recut a trailer to make it a feel-good family comedy.

Robert's trailer very gently crept onto the internet through a friend's blog site almost two weeks ago. In the last two days, and 24,000+ downloads later, the trailer started making its rounds through the film community (the filmmakers and the film enthusiasts [y'know... like me]). In less than two weeks Robert has now been contacted by a vice-president of a major Hollywood studio interested in his talents.

Good for you Robert! Way to go, man! This is hilarious and you deserve every bit of recognition you get from it.

Moral of the story: Sometimes all it takes for your life to change is one good idea.

Here's the link to Robert's brilliant trailer in glorious Quicktime.

1 comment:

Ms. Hep said...

That is amazing. As an avid Stephen King fan...I love it!!

Thanks for the info, Mr. Brown!!