Monday, November 14, 2005

The Hard Five

For the longest time, I've had this list that I call "The Hard Five". Other people have different names for it, but essentially it is a list of people (usually celebrities) that, if you have a "significant other", you are allowed to "be with" whoever is on your list.

You get the idea.

Anyway, my "Hard Five" is constantly in flux. I pull people in and out of the bottom two slots all the time. Currently here is how it stands now (and yes, there is somewhat of a theme):

1) Janeane Garofalo -- She's held the #1 slot for several years now. Thankfully the break up with The Former Girlfriend, who bore more than a passing resemblance to Ms. Garofalo, didn't tumble Janeane off the list.

2) Rachael Harris -- Moving up the list from her normal lock in the #4 spot, Racheal has the distiction of being the only blonde on the list.

3) Tina Fey -- Notice the trend yet?

4) Julia Louis-Dreyfus -- Okay... fine... so I couldn't immediately find a picture of Julia Louis-Dreyfus with a pair of glasses on, so in her true comedic fashion, this will have to do.

5) Alex Borstien -- What can I say? My weakness for cute, funny, curvy, short brunettes creeps in even on my Hard Five (and that combo always trumps the whole "glasses" thing).

So class... aside from my "glasses fetish", can anyone tell me what all five of these women have in common?



Ms. Hep said...

You like you a funny chick (with a brain)


Michael Brown said...

That's why I'm with you, baby! ;)

avandamanders said...

aaw, man! I was totally planning on doing a post like this... Now I'd be a copy cat... Curse you Mike Brown!!!

Ms. Hep said...

Amanda - LOL - actually he copied from me, which I copied from Dr. Zoom.

Feel free to copy away!! We're all cats here on blogger!!

Michael - LOL - I have such a STRIKING resemblance to all of them - muah!!

Michael Brown said...

Amanda -- Feel free to jump on the bandwagon. Besides, great minds think alike, chica. (whispering softly, "Conform.... conform....")

Kim -- Honey, these are fantasies that will never be reality. You're the fantasy that is reality. :)

Katie -- Not that you'd be able to now, but if Kimmy threw on her glasses, you guys would never be rid of me. :)

Ms. Hep said...

Ugh...the things I do for you, Michael.

That One Chick You Know said...

I think my most recent picture on my blog looks a little similar to those pictures but not really.

You have good taste...

Michael Brown said...

I know I have good taste, Kid. I mean, just feast your eyes on MsHep's picture. ;)