Sunday, September 25, 2005

Wow! I'm A Pundit!

Well, I guess this proves you just never know who's reading what you write.

I tended to think that DAO existed in a ever imploding, insular bubble of various friends with the occaisional wandering straggler stubling in and possibly finding it cool enough to stick around (wandering stragglers are more than welcome, by the way).

Imagine my surprise when I found out I had been quoted on another blog. This in and of itself isn't much of a shock as I've tended to quote other people here on occaision. The blog that quoted me in particular was:

They didn't take my quote out of context. I wasn't misrepresented that I am, in fact, what would widely be considered a "Liberal Democrat". But I did say something in support of Mike Huckabee (which I still stand by -- the Governor has done a excellent job with the various hurricane evacuees) and I guess that was enough.
So, glad I could help guys, and thanks for validating my Dangerously Accurate Opinions.
Of course this will mean more humorous ploitical slants and I may have to scrutinize my Governor more often.
But hey, whatever works. :)


Scott said...

You are quite welcome.


Ms. T said...

Wow, and an extensive quote at that! Congrats, hon!