Thursday, October 06, 2005

Evil But Not Insane??

Bush, The Younger just gave a speech updating all of us about "The War On Terror" today. Now that the dust has settled and the water is mostly drained from those pesky hurricane distractions, I suppose it was time for him to try and regain ground in his abyssmal approval ratings by going back to the well and start beating the war drums again.

All news bits and quotes are pulled from a Reuters news story filed by Washington reporter Steve Holland.

"We will never back down, never give in and never accept anything less than complete victory," said Bush.

This is a perfect example of how different Bush's concept of reality is and the actual, real world reality in which we all live. This "War on Terror", much like "The War on Drugs", is a conflict that will never ever ever be a complete victory. Ever. Basically what Bush is saying is we will be in a perpetual, unending war that will cost thousands and thousands of more American soldiers and billions and billions more American dollars. Your money will be spent on this fallacy. Any sons, daughters, nephews, neices, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers that serve in the armed forces will be sacrificed upon the alter of shaky conceptualized politics. This is beyond stupidity. This is borderline insanity.

It was part of a White House effort to rebuild waning American support for the Iraq war amid an upsurge of violence ahead of a planned October 15 referendum on an Iraqi constitution.

Bush firmly rejected those who demand a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, saying to pull out would leave the country's fledgling government exposed to supporters of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and the group's leader in Iraq, Jordanian-born militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

"Having removed a dictator and aided free peoples, we will not stand by as a new set of killers dedicated to the destruction of our own country seizes control of Iraq by violence," he said.

Right! How dare those new sets of killers seize control of Iraq when our sets of killers already did it. I mean, who do they think they are? Bastards! Copy cats! Get an original idea, you other sets of killers!

He [Bush] said the United States and its allies had disrupted 10 serious al Qaeda plots since the September 11, 2001, attacks, three inside the United States.

Where? What were they? Who was involved? What was supposed to happen? When was this? How did you disrupt them? Details, man! Don't just give arbitrary bullshit! You want support? Show us what you're doing. Don't just throw out a line like that and expect us to buy it. This idiot has lied more often and more seriously than Clinton ever did, and we're supposed to take his word for it that all this stuff has gone down? Proof, man! PROOF!!! Show it!

"The militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region and establish a radical Islamic empire that expands from Spain to Indonesia," Bush said.

Whereas Bush seemingly believes that controlling one country will rally the "right minded" thinking Democratic/Capatalist masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region and establish a radial Christian empire that would expand globally. What a complete and utter egomaniacal tool Bush is.

Citing recent attacks in London, Sharm el-Sheikh and Bali, Bush said while the bombings appeared random, they serve a clear ideology, "a set of beliefs that are evil but not insane," and gave a new name for the ideology: Islamo-fascism.

Oh, for the luvva... y'see? Do you see how he has to qualify it now? This is a war on a religious sect. Not Islamic Muslums as a whole. Just those "far right wing" Islamic Muslums. It's Christian-fundamentalism versus Islamo-fascism. Can you say, "Recipe for Disaster?" I thought you could.

"Evil but not insane".... would that make Bush insane but not evil? No real evil intent, just a detachment from reality that is horribly, horribly dangerous to not just Americans but to the world abroad. Hmmm...

"Wars are not won without sacrifice, and this war will require more sacrifice, more time, and more resolve. The terrorists are as brutal an enemy as we have ever faced," he [Bush] said.

It's an IDEALISM! It's a thought process! It's a radical arm of a RELIGION! This can't be fought. This can't be extinguished. This can not be erradicated! It doesn't matter how much more sacrifice, more time and more resolve you have. This is folly. This is foolhardy. This never ever can or will be won!!


Americans are slowly starting to realize this fact. Last month a CNN/Gallup/USA Today poll said only 32 percent of Americans approved of Bush's handling of the war. Where's your mandate now, Bush? Even your supporters are starting to admit you're an idiot.

"State sponsors like Syria and Iran have a long history of collaboration with terrorists and they deserve no patience from the victims of terror. The United States makes no distinction between those who commit acts of terror and those who support and harbor them because they're equally as guilty of murder," he [Bush] said.

Here we go. The whole, "They who help the "terrorists" are going to get their asses handed to them" song and dance again. All this is people is an excuse for a new target. Y'see, the tricky bit about being at war with a thought is you can't exactly bomb something that is intangible. But a sovereign nation that may or may not have some of those thoughts in it? Oh, well... we can crank up our horribly bad, jingoistic, lowest common denomonator country music and bomb the shit out of them while screaming "Yeee Haa!"

There was a time when the name bin Laden rarely crossed Bush's lips publicly -- partly it seemed to avoid raising the issue of why the United States had failed to track him down -- but Bush invoked the name of the elusive al Qaeda leader several times in making the case against bin Laden's style of Islam.

"Bin Laden says his own role is to tell Muslims: 'What is good for them and what is not.' And what this man who grew up in wealth and privilege considers good for poor Muslims is that they become killers and suicide bombers. He assures them that this is the road to paradise, though he never offers to go along for the ride," Bush said.

I agree. A dude that grew up in wealth and privilege telling folks what's good for them and what isn't, then sending people out to kill other people; feeling all self reightous about it but never himself personally getting his hands dirty?

Yeah. I hate guys like that.


Ms. Hep said...

Great minds think alike, m'dear!

Michael Brown said...

Sorry. Completely misspelled that.

It's "jingoistic" as in being like unto a "jingoist" which means:

"Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism."

I have a good vocabulary, if not a good spellchecker. :)

avandamanders said...

I have decided that bush is either a complete dumbass, or an evil genius.

many-a-times I have debated this with myself on those lonely nights cleaning at work...

Michael Brown said...

Well, I vote complete dumbass.

Evil geniuses? Cheney and Rove are the power behind the throne I suspect.